Social anxiety

For people with social anxiety disorder, everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness and embarrassment. It could be as simple as talking to the milkman, but your everyday interactions give rise to negative automatic thoughts. Thoughts that many a times cannot be controlled and are involuntary, but yet extremely debilitating for your mental health.

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Panic attacks

Panic Attacks are a debilitating experience and can leave anyone experiencing it feeling anxious and overwhelmed, disconnected from their surroundings. Sometimes this lead to physical symptoms that cause more problems in one's daily life and sometimes make one feel misunderstood or out of place .

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Ego defense mechanism

Ego defense mechanisms are basically strategies that our minds use without us even realizing it. They help us deal with reality and keep our self- image intact. These mechanisms are like a shield that protects us from anxiety and internal conflicts.

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Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity pertains to cultural norms and behaviors linked to traditional masculinity that are detrimental to individuals, regardlessof gender and society as a whole. Traditional notions of masculinity create barriers for men to express a full range of emotions, like sadness, fear, or vulnerability.

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Bottling up emotions

Don't we sometimes feel that bottling up our emotions can be an easy fix to situations, confrontations and conversations we don't really want to face? Well, it often leads to more harm than good, without us even realising it.

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Debunking autism

When a couple of memes regarding autism often pop up on your feed while scrolling, do you often find them funny, "relatable" and rush to click the share option? While these so called memes are funny for some people, do they always portray an accurate experience for individuals who actually suffer through autism or similar disorders?

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Deteriorating mental health

Mental illness does not appear "out of blue", they come with changes in thinking, behavior, emotions that one's family, friends, teachers or individuals themselves begin to recognize. The societal norms often discourage men from openly discussing their mental well-being, it is essential to pay attention to subtle changes that may indicate a deeper issue.

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Imagine a world where rainbows weren't just for show, but a symbol of hope and acceptance for everyone.Celebrating LGBTQIA+ pride is that hope in action; it's a time to remember the brave individuals who fought for LGBTQIA+ rights and a celebration of the beautiful diversity of the community.

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Depression and Anxiety

Social media has changed how we communicate and share information, connecting people around the world and making knowledge easier to access. However, it can oversimplify complex issues like depression and anxiety, which affects how people understand these serious conditions.

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JULY OF 2024

Social Anxiety

For people with social anxiety disorder, everyday social interactions cause irrational anxiety, fear, self-consciousness and embarrassment. It could be as simple as talking to the milkman, but your everyday interactions give rise to negative automatic thoughts. Thoughts that many a times cannot be controlled and are involuntary, but yet extremely debilitating for your mental health.

Debunking Autism

When a couple of memes regarding autism often pop up on your feed while scrolling, do you often find them funny, "relatable" and rush to click the share option? While these so called memes are funny for some people, do they always portray an accurate experience for individuals who actually suffer through autism or similar disorders? Hey, we all love a good laugh, but don't these autistic memes often cross the line between humour and ridicule?

toxic masculinity

Toxic masculinity pertains to cultural norms and behaviors linked to traditional masculinity that are detrimental to individuals, regardless of gender and society as a whole. Traditional notions of masculinity create barriers for men to express a full range of emotions, like sadness, fear, or vulnerability.