“No Longer Misunderstood”

Healing Heads is a student-led non profit organization working towards improving mental health for everyone by raising awareness about various mental health issues and strategies to combat them. Our organization addresses the often-overlooked mental challenges of adolescence, challenging stigma and emphasizing the equal importance of mental health alongside physical well-being. We work online to break the stigma around mental health and provide a safer space for everyone. Our primary platform is Instagram, where we share diverse posts on mental health improvement. We also organize various events and activities.
We aim to end mental health stigma by promoting acceptance and support-seeking, challenging misconceptions that prevent people from seeking the help they deserve. Our mission is to create a space of understanding, acceptance, unwavering support and valuing each individual's struggles equally and fostering acceptance of everyone's unique challenges and experiences.

A Message from Our Founder

Founded in 2022, Healing Heads began with uncertainty but also with a lot of hope. We believe that hope is the foundation of everything, and it has truly guided us to where we are today.

In an era where mental health struggles are often trivialized or sensationalized, and where ‘being mentally challenged’ is sometimes misrepresented as a trend, those genuinely suffering can feel invalidated. It's also easier for those sitting behind screens to comment on others' well-being and dismiss them as 'weak,' a problem that has only worsened since the pandemic.

Healing Heads is committed to being a beacon of support and understanding. Our mission is to break the stigma surrounding mental health, provide education on various mental health issues and strategies to combat them, and promote self-love. We strive to offer valuable resources and content to support well-being and to be a safe space where everyone feels seen and heard.

I am deeply grateful for my wonderful team; this journey wouldn’t have been as beautiful without them. Their dedication and hard work have evolved this small idea into what we are today. To everyone who has shown constant love and appreciation for our cause, your support is what keeps us inspired and motivated to keep going.

As we look to the future, our commitment remains strong. We will continue to grow and make a positive impact. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

Much love,
Founder of Healing Heads

Join The Team!

Are you passionate about making a difference? Join our dynamic team and contribute to our mission. Whether you're an intern looking to gain valuable experience or a member eager to support our cause, we welcome you to be a part of our nonprofit organization. Apply now and help us create positive change!