Panic attacks

Panic Attacks are a debilitating experience and can leave anyone experiencing it feeling anxious and overwhelmed, disconnected from their surroundings. Sometimes this lead to physical symptoms that cause more problems in one's daily life and sometimes make one feel misunderstood or out of place .'Fight or flight' urges may occur due to triggers or threats which may be real or imagined. Triggers could be enclosed areas or even flying on a plane, there is no guarantee to where or when an attack could occur.

Episodes include an increase in heartbeat levels, shortness of breath, loss of control, trembling and sweating. Panic attacks may take time to go away and heal from, there are still many things that we as a society can do to help. In Bollywood itself we see a display of such instances in Dear Zindagi, Kiara experiences multiple mental health issues, but getting guidance via therapy is one way to heal yourself.

In a quote by George Orwell, "perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood", it is simply stated that showing understanding can go a long way in helping someone feel better. It can be hard to watch someone go through such situations but using stress relieving methods with them can help, such as counting down numbers. It is important to remember that the simplest things matter the most, actions often speak louder than words.

Panic attacks are a cause of many things such as anxiety, depression, triggers from other mental illnesses, amongst others. Although it may be hard to understand why someone is suffering from this, as a society we must try to comfort anyone going through such stress.

These attacks can be heartbreaking and providing comfort to the sufferer is essential. You aren't alone in this, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! This too shall pass and tomorrow will be a new day :)