Ego defense mechanism


Ego defense mechanisms are basically strategies that our minds use without us even realizing it. They help us deal with reality and keep our self- image intact. These mechanisms are like a shield that protects us from anxiety and internal conflicts.


Repression is like when your brain automatically blocks out those icky feelings, thoughts, or memories so you don't have to deal with them.

It's a super important defense mechanism that actually helps with a bunch of other stuff too.


Denial is when someone flat-out refuses to accept reality or facts, like they're pretending that something painful never happened or that certain thoughts and feelings don't exist. It's a way for people to avoid facing the tough and distressing parts of life.


Projection is when you blame someone else for your own thoughts, feelings, or impulses that you don't want to admit to having. It's a way for people to distance themselves from their own undesirable traits.


It entails moving the feelings from the first source of pain onto another safe relief object. For example, transferring anger from a boss onto a

family member.


Rationalization would be making a conscious decision on why you think you feel and act a certain way so that it makes sense to your

mind and the real reason behind it has not been truly looked at.

As human beings, we often tend to overlook the mistake on our part, and we become more critical of someone else's work, which can

be categorised under ego defence. We try to trick our minds into thinking that our part has been done perfectly wherein the other person is at fault. This removes our scope of self-improvement and identifying our mistakes.