Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity pertains to cultural norms and behaviors linked to traditional masculinity that are detrimental to individuals, regardless

of gender and society as a whole. Traditional notions of masculinity create barriers for men to express a full range of emotions, like sadness, fear, or vulnerability.

Why do men avoid help?

Men may avoid seeking professional help for mental health concerns due to the perception that it signifies weakness.

It promotes activities like substance abuse, aggression, or physical violence to prove their masculinity.

Focus on dominance

Toxic masculinity's focus on dominance and emotional detachment can hinder forming and maintaining meaningful relationships. Men who can't conform to traditional masculine ideals may struggle with self-worth and identity, causing self-doubt and mental health issues.

In films

Toxic Masculinity is shown in the film Kabir Singh where he was involved in substance abuse and is aggressive. In a very recent film Animal both the leads have portrayed signs of toxic masculinity based on how they treat their wives and have severe anger issues. Encourage yourself to express your emotions and seek help if required. Know that it's okay to cry and express yourself. Learn about its impact, and signs, exhibit behavior that demonstrates positive values and introspect.

Addressing toxic masculinity means encouraging men to be open about their feelings and to seek help. This can improve mental health and create respectful relationships. Together, we can promote a healthier view of manhood and build a fairer society.